Does Remote Working Impact Career Progression?

Does Remote Working Impact Career Progression?

During covid, a lot of companies opted for giving their workers “work from home”. This tradition continued even post pandemic as a lot of employees wanted to avoid the trouble of commuting to the office daily. Be it a remote software developer job or a front end developer job the question of whether

Remote learning is good for your career growth. Read further to find out:

How remote working impacts career progression-

You might find it challenging to grow your career as a remote employee in a hybrid organisation. This is because working from home, you are out of sight of the leaders of the company which can lead to you getting less praise for your contributions and achievements. There is also a certain level of proximity bias that will happen between you and the standard office going employee. 

With home-based job workers there is no boundary between work and leisure as they don’t have a fixed schedule. 

How remote working is better for your career-

It is a no-brainer that working from home will save you huge chunks of time. You can leverage this time to learn skills that will help you further your career. With the help of various tools, your managers get full visibility to your contributions to the team’s development. According to many reports from remote-first organisations, remote working leads to better collaboration, communication and team-building than working in an office. 

Remote workers also have a healthy work-life balance as their working schedule is flexible. This is why they tend to be stress-free and  use their fullest potential to perform in their careers.

The final verdict-

Though there are some disadvantages, there are many individuals who have reached their career peak working from home. That said, a lot of the above mentioned points may affect your decision. If you may have noticed, a lot of advantages outweigh the disadvantages which makes remote working worth the shot! You can try getting a work from home job for a limited period and see how it works out for you. is a job portal that hires exceptionally talented developers for global tech jobs. Through them, you can easily apply for US remote jobs in India. They also offer a plethora of learning courses to hone your soft skills. Get ‘ certified’ by taking assessment of your favourite skills such as HTML, Javascript.

Create your profile on their website today and explore relevant remote job opportunities!


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